Fantastic Staar Test Formula Sheet

STAAR GRADE 8 MATHEMATICS REFERENCE MATERIALS 22 r State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness STAAR LINEAR EQUATIONS Slope-intercept form ym xb Direct variation yk x Slope of a line m yy xx 21 21 CIRCUMFERENCE Circle Cr2π or Cdπ AREA Triangle A h 1 2 b Rectangle or parallelogram Ab h Trapezoid A 1 b 2 12 b h.
Staar test formula sheet. 21 2 21 2. STAAR PHYSICS RefeRenCe MATeRIAlS. I put blanks throughout the entire thing.
Gravitational potential energy mass acceleration due to gravity height PE mgh. He Hg Cd Zn Au Ag Cu Pt Pd Ni Tl Ga Pb Sn Ge Bi Sb As Po Te Se At Br Rn Xe Kr Al Si P S Cl Ar B C N O F. Slope of a line.
But theres still one milestone ahead. STAAR Chemistry Reference Materials Subject. KE 1mv 2.
This goes with my 5th Grade STAAR MATH CHEAT SHEET. The STAAR Mathematics test contains a formula sheet which displays formulas relating to geometric measurement and certain algebra concepts. In April 2012 the State Board of Education SBOE revised the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills TEKS for mathematics.
Calculating STAAR Progress Measures Step 1. The SBOE specified that districts implement the new standards in K8 classrooms in. STAAR Chemistry Reference Materials Created Date.
If you go to school in the state of Texas the STAAR Test lies ahead and youll need to do well to graduate from high school. G Elastic potential energy 1 2 spring constant distance stretched or compressed. 3 30 60 90 triangle.